Wooden apartment building Mäihä, due to be completed for the summer's 2016 Housing Fair in Seinäjoki, became the first PEFC project-certified building in the Nordic countries.
Mäihä consists of cross-laminated timber modules. The PEFC certificate ensures that the wood used in Mäihä is legitimate and comes from sustainably managed forests. For more information, read PEFC-organisation's article First ever Nordic PEFC-certified building project and the article of The Finnish Housing Fair Pohjoismaiden ensimmäinen PEFC – projektisertifiointikohde Seinäjoen Asuntomessuille.
Wooden apartment building Mäihä can be visited at The Housing Fair held between July 8th – August 7th, 2016 in the Pruukinranta area in Seinäjoki.